GRAF+ZYX // Podcasts Home
Video Podcasts
2009 | When Darkness Comes
2005 | Zeitdrift/\Trifftrhiz
2004 | Heavyweight Tango
P101 | Clips und Werbung
P301 | Transmitter bis :[KV-N]
P401 | Multimediale Projekte
1986 | Herzo-Base-Exit I
1986 | Herzo-Base-Exit II
1983 | Eissalon
MUSIKVIDEOPROGAMM // Herzo-Base-Exit: Kapitel 10-18

[3] HBE K#12: Japanische Impression

GRAF+ZYX | 00:01:00

Video 1986: Concept, performance, design, graphics, artworks, programming, camera, cut and production | (Material VHS, S-8, Atari 1980-1986) + Music: Selection written, arranged, recorded, mixed, mastered, produced and published by | all vocals and instruments| ® © GRAF+ZYX

Museum of Private Arts, Vol. 8
Installation as media project of an aesthetic situation (with video, music, object, human artefacts). First performance, commissioned by Ars Electronica.
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Musikvideo-Compilation - 18 Kapitel
DVD-R PAL stereo
[single movie] autostart, Kapitelmarker
EURO 22,00